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Rock Hill Quarry

2055 N. Rockhill Road located in the Extraction Zoning District

PA Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP)

Extraction is under the jurisdiction of PA DEP

Rock Hill Quarry webpage is routinely updated with pertinent information.

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The Rock Hill Quarry is located at 2055 North Rockhill Road and in early 2018 it resumed quarry operations after at least 30 years of inactivity.  The Rock Hill Quarry is located in the E Extraction Zoning District which permits Extractive Operations by special exception.  A Federal Court decision stated that quarry operations may continue on the property under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP).  PA DEP issued a cessation order in December 2018 and no quarrying has occurred since that time.  The Order is still in place. 

Asphalt Plant:  

The remaining zoning issue of the asphalt plant use was taken away from the East Rockhill Township Zoning Hearing Board as the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas Judge took jurisdiction of the matter by order dated June 18, 2019. The trial took place on March 2 and 3, 2020 where the Judge determined that the East Rockhill Township Zoning Ordinance prohibits an asphalt plant on the Hanson property in the E- Extraction Zoning District and that the use is allowed in the I1 and I2 Industrial Zoning Districts as a manufacturing use.  Pierson has terminated its lease with Hanson and has removed equipment from the site.

PA DEP Permit Appeals:  

  • Air Quality:  In January 2019, the Township appealed a permit that PA DEP had granted to Pierson to install and operate a stone crusher at the Quarry. Recently, Pierson notified PA DEP that it no longer planned to install the crusher, nor would it renew the permit itself which was on the verge of expiring. The permit expired at the end of May 2020, essentially providing the result that the appeal was intended to achieve. Therefore, the appeal was withdrawn, while preserving the Township’s rights to appeal any new permit that PA DEP may issue, although there is currently no indication that Hanson will be applying for a new crusher permit. 
  • NPDES:  The Appeal for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) before the Environmental Hearing Board is in stay status until DEP lifts its Cessation Order and allows mining and crushing activities to recommence. 
Extraction Zoning District
Aerial of Rock Hill Quarry

Documents Related to Rock Hill Quarry


#Rock Hill Quarry