Event Overview
Sunday, January 191:00 PM—9:00 AM
Vehicles cannot be parked on the posted snow emergency route
A snow emergency is in effect Sunday, 1/19/2025 1:00 PM to Monday, 1/20/2025 9:00 AM to allow for efficient snow removal in anticipation of the upcoming snow event and next weeks below freezing temperatures
During the Emergency it shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle or allow one to remain parked anywhere on any posted snow emergency route so Township personnel can remove snow quickly and efficiently. Township is not responsible for damage to any basketball nets in the roadway.
Vehicles left in the roadways during a snow emergency will be towed at the owner’s expense and/or penalties will be enforced.
Snow Emergency Route as posted:
- Bryant Drive
- Buck Drive
- Campus Drive
- Deer Run Road
- Fifth Street from Perkasie Borough Line to Schwenkmill Road
- Greenleaf Circle
- Pine Court
- Sunnyside Lane
Contact the Township with a concern.
Sidewalks: Properties with land with a paved sidewalk shall remove and clear away snow and/or ice within 12 hours after snow, sleet, or freezing rain has stopped.
Parks: Walking trails and sidewalks owned and maintained by East Rockhill Township, are considered "Low Level Priority" for snow removal. This means that once ALL roadways in the Township are open and clear of snow and ice, the Public Works Department will then remove the snow off of walking trails and sidewalks. The goal is to have the trails, parking lots and sidewalks open within three (3) working days of initial snow fall.
Mailbox Damage: The Township is not responsible for damage to mailboxes that occur during the normal operations of winter maintenance. Please ensure that your mailbox post is sturdy and placed appropriately. All mailboxes including community mailboxes are the property owners responsibility to remove snow for postal service access.
Driveway Entrance: The snow that is in front of a plow will unload as it passes a clear area. By clearing an area to the side of your driveway (to the left when standing in your driveway facing the street) where the plow will be traveling, will allow the snow to unload in the clearing instead of back into your driveway.